( C )
Cheng L.-W.*, C.-K. Yu
and S.-P. Chen, 2024: Processes of Precipitation Enhancement Over the
Da-Tun Mountain During the Influence of Typhoon Meari (2011). AOGS 21th
Annual Meeting, 23-28 Jun 2024, Pyeongchang, Korea.
Hosokawa,T.*,C.- K. Yu,
2024: Orographically Enhanced Precipitation Associated with Different
Background Precipitation of Typhoon Chanthu (2021).
AOGS 21th Annual Meeting, 23-28 Jun 2024, Pyeongchang, Korea.
Yu, C.- K.*,
C.- Y. Lin and C.- H. Pun, 2024: Origin of Outer Tropical Cyclone
Rainbands. AOGS 21th Annual Meeting, 23-28
Jun 2024, Pyeongchang, Korea.
Lin,C.-Y*. and C.- K. Yu,
2024: A Taiwan Rainband Associated with the Aircraft Crash on 17
November 2020. AOGS 21th Annual Meeting, 23-28
Jun 2024, Pyeongchang, Korea.
Hosokawa,T.*,C.- K. Yu
, 2023: Observed Kinematics and Microphysics of Orographic
Precipitation Associated with a Landfalling Typhoon Rainband. AOGS
20th Annual Meeting, 30 Jul- 04 Aug 2023, Singapore.
Hsu,M.-J. *, C.- K. Yu,
and L.-W. Cheng, 2023: Characteristics and Processes of
Orographic Precipitation over Da-Tun Mountain Associated with Typhoon
Saola (2012) .AOGS 20th Annual Meeting, 30 Jul- 04 Aug 2023, Singapore.
Cheng, L.-W.*, C.- K. Yu
and S.-P. Chen, 2023: Development of a Seeder-Feeder Orographic
Precipitation Model in the Typhoon Environment. AOGS 20th Annual
Meeting, 30 Jul- 04 Aug 2023, Singapore.
Lin,C.-Y*. and C.- K. Yu,
2023: Taiwan rainbands formed in outer region of tropical
cyclones. AOGS 20th Annual Meeting, 30 Jul- 04 Aug 2023, Singapore.
Jeng-B*., C.-
C.-Y. Lin, 2023: Convective Characteristics of Outer Tropical
Cyclone Rainbands and Their Similarity with Squall Lines. AOGS 20th
Annual Meeting, 30 Jul- 04 Aug 2023, Singapore.
W.*, C.
- K. Yu ,and S.-P. Chen ,2022:Orographic Precipitation
With Typhoon Meari (2011) and Development of an Orographic
Precipitation Model.AOGS 19th Annual Meeting,1-5 August 2022, Virtual.
Lin, C.-Y.*, C.- K.
Yu ,and C.-H. Pun ,2022:A Statistical Study of Outer Tropical
Cyclone Rainband Formation.AOGS 19th Annual Meeting,1-5 August 2022,
Hsu, M.-J.* ,
and C.-
Yu ,2022:Orographic Precipitation Over Mt. Da-Tun Associated
With Typhoon Saola (2012).AOGS 19th Annual Meeting,1-5 August 2022,
Hosokawa, T.*,
and C.-
Yu ,2022:Orographic Precipitation Enhancement in the
Outer-core Region of Typhoon Chanthu (2021) Observed by a
Dual-polarimetric Doppler Radar.AOGS 19th Annual Meeting,1-5 August
2022, Virtual.
, C.-
K. Yu, and C.-Y.
Lin ,2022:Statistical Characteristics of
Convective Intensity, Cold Pool and, Propagation of Outer Tropical
Cyclone Rainbands.AOGS 19th Annual Meeting,1-5 August 2022, Virtual.
Pun, C.- H.*,
and C.-
K. Yu ,2021:A
Statistical Study of Outer Tropical Cyclone
Rainband.AOGS 18th Annual Meeting,1-6 August 2021, Virtual.
Liu, W.- F*., C.- K. Yu,
L.- W. Cheng, and C.- Y.
Lin ,2021:Case Study of Wintertime
Valley Precipitation Enhancement Over Da-tun Mountain. AOGS 18th Annual
Meeting,1-6 August 2021, Virtual.
Cheng, L.-W.*, C.-K. Yu,
and S.-P. Chen, 2021:
Mechanisms of Orographic Precipitation
Over Mt. Da-Tun Associated with Typhoon Meari (2011). AOGS 18th Annual
Meeting,1-6 August 2021, Virtual.
Lin, C.- Y*.,
and C.-
K. Yu, 2021: Taiwan
Rainbands Formed in the Outer Region of
Tropical Cyclones. AOGS 18th Annual Meeting,1-6 August 2021, Virtual.
Yu, C.- K.,
C.- Y. Lin, , J.- S. Luo, and L.- W. Cheng, 2019: Are outer tropical
cyclone rainbands similar to squall lines? 39th International
on Radar Meteorology, 16-20 September 2019, Nara, Japan. |
Yu, C.- K.,
C.- Y. Lin, L.- W. Cheng, J.- S. Luo, C.- C. Wu, and Y. Chen, 2019: The
degree of prevalence of similarity between outer tropical cyclone
rainbands and squall lines. AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, 28
July-2 August 2019, Singapore. |
Yu, C.- K.,
and J.- C. Syu, 2019: Upstream influences of topography on
precipitation associated with landfalling fronts: A review. AOGS 16th
Meeting, 28 July-2 August 2019, Singapore. |
Cheng, L.- W., and C.-
K. Yu, 2019: Spatial variations and mechanisms of
wintertime orographic precipitation over the Da-Tun mountain. AOGS 16th
Annual Meeting, 28 July-2 August 2019, Singapore. |
Lin, C.- Y., and C.-
K. Yu, 2019: Statistical characteristics of Taiwan
rainbands in the outer typhoon environment . AOGS 16th Annual Meeting,
July-2 August 2019, Singapore. |
Syu, J.- C., C.- K. Yu,
L.- W. Cheng, and C.- Y. Lin, 2019: Orographic enhancement of
precipitation associated with typhoons over southwestern
Taiwan. AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, 28 July-2 August 2019,
Singapore. |
Chen, S.- P., and C.-
K. Yu, 2019: Mechanisms of orographically enhanced
precipitation associated with typhoon Meari (2011) over Mt. Da-Tun.
AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, 28 July-2 August 2019, Singapore. |
Huang, Y.- R., and C.- K. Yu, 2019:
Roles of interactions of typhoon Nesat (2017) and Haitang (2017) and
topographic effects in the formation and
structure of outer tropical cyclone rainbands. AOGS 16th
Annual Meeting, 28 July-2 August 2019, Singapore.
Liu, W.- F., and C.-
K. Yu, 2019: Effects of three-dimensional terrain features
on rainfall intensity and distribution. AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, 28
July-2 August 2019, Singapore. |
谷,2019:The degree of
prevalence similarity between outer tropical cyclone rainbands and
squall lines. 2019兩岸颱
研討會,臺北。 |
Statistical characteristics of Taiwan rainband in the outer typhoon
environment. 2019兩岸颱風暴
谷,2018:Are outer
tropical cyclone rainbands similar to squall lines?
2018年兩岸大氣科學教師科學研討會,臺北。 |
Yu, C.- K.,
and L.- W. Cheng, 2018: Wintertime orographic precipitation over the
Da-Tun mountain of northern Taiwan. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting,
3-8 Jun 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii. |
Lin, C.- Y., and C.-
K. Yu, 2018: Remote triggering of intense rainbands
upstream of topography by tropical cyclones. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting,
3-8 Jun 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii. |
Luo, J.- S., C.- K. Yu, C.- Y. Lin,
L.- W. Cheng, C.- C. Wu, and Y. Chen, 2018: Squall-line-like rainband
structures in the outer environment of
tropical cyclones. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, 3-8 Jun 2018,
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Chen, S.-P., and C.- K. Yu, 2018:
Seeder-feeder mechanism of orographic precipitation associated with
typhoon Meari (2011). AOGS 15th Annual
Meeting, 3-8 Jun 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lee, G. W., C.- L. Tsai., K. Kim,
Y.- C. Liou, and C.- K. Yu, 2018: Role of
topography in the distributions of precipitation over the Pyeongchang
seen from multiple-Doppler radar observations. AOGS 15th
Annual Meeting, 3-8 Jun 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii. |
Tsai, C.- L., G. W. Lee, and C.- K. Yu,
2018: Precipitation and airflow structures of arc-shaped radar echoes
along outer tropical cyclone rainbands
seen from radar observations. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, 3-8
Jun 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, Y.- C. Liou, G. W. Lee, and C.-
K. Yu, 2018: Variances in microphysics characteristics
associated with orographic airflow in the
Pyeongchang. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, 3-8 Jun 2018,
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Yu, C.- K.,
and L.- W. Cheng, 2017: Southwesterly flow and intense orographic
rainfall associated with southwest and ordinary typhoons. Workshop
on Disaster Risk Reduction in Extreme Climate, 23 November
2017, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yu, C.- K.,
and C.- Y. Lin, 2017: Formation and maintenance of a long-lived Taiwan
rainband. ICMCS-XII - Conference on Mesoscale Convective
Systems and High-Impact Weather in East Asia, 17-20 October
2017, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Yu, C.- K.,
and C.- Y. Lin, 2017: Case study of a long-lived Taiwan rainband during
1-3 March 2003. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, 6-11 August 2017,
Singapore. |
Cheng, L.- W., and C.-
K. Yu, 2017: Observational investigation of wintertime
orographic precipitation over the Da-tun mountain. AOGS 14th Annual
Meeting, 6-11 August 2017, Singapore. |
Lin, C.- Y., and C.-
K. Yu, 2017: Statistical characteristics of Taiwan
rainband from long-term radar observations. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting,
6-11 August 2017, Singapore. |
Syu, J.- C., and C.-
K. Yu, 2017: Observational relationship between the
precipitation and terrain features over Taiwan in the typhoon
AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, 6-11 August 2017, Singapore. |
Luo, J.- S., and C.-
K. Yu, 2017: A comprehensive study of the precipitation
and airflow structure of outer tropical cyclone rainbands near Taiwan
during 2003-2015. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, 6-11 August
2017, Singapore. |
Tsai, C.- L., and C.-
K. Yu, 2017: Topographic effects on structural changes of
outer tropical cyclone in northern Taiwan. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting,
6-11 August 2017, Singapore. |
Yamamoto, M. K., S. Shige, C.-
K. Yu, and L.- W. Cheng, 2017: Reevaluation of the
orographic/nonorographic rainfall classification scheme in the
GSMaP algorithm for microwave radiometers. AOGS 14th Annual
Meeting, 6-11 August 2017, Singapore. |
Yu, C.- K.,
and Y. Chen, 2016: Are outer tropical cyclone rainbands similar to
squall lines? AOGS 13th Annual Meeting, 31 July-5 August 2016,
Beijing, China. |
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2016:
Radar observation of arc-shaped radar echoes along outer tropical
cyclone rainbands of typhoon Matmo (2014).
AOGS 13th Annual Meeting, 31 July-5 August 2016, Beijing,
Cheng, L.- W., and C.-
K. Yu, 2016: Distribution and mechanisms of orographic
precipitation over the Da-tun mountain. AOGS 13th Annual Meeting,
31 July-5 August 2016, Beijing, China. |
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu , 2016:
Precipitation and airflow structures of arc-shaped radar echoes along
outer tropical cyclone rainbands seen from
Doppler radar observations. Submitted to International Conference on
Mesoscale Convective System and High Impact Weather,
25-28 April 2016, Busan, Korea.
地形降水。2016兩岸颱風暴雨學術研討會,高雄。 |
Cheng, L.- W., and C.-
K. Yu, 2015: Study of orographic precipitation over Da-Tun
mountains during the northeasterly monsoon. The 4th
International Congress on Natural Sciences (ICNS2015),
10-12 September 2015, Changhua, Taiwan. |
Lin, C.- Y., and C.-
K. Yu, 2015: Effect of sea surface temperature on the
convective lines off the southeastern coast of Taiwan. The 4th
International Congress on Natural Sciences (ICNS2015), 10-12
September 2015, Changhua, Taiwan. |
Cheng, L.- W., and C.-
K. Yu, 2015: Study of orographic precipitation over Da-Tun
mountains during the northeasterly monsoon. AOGS 12th Annual
Meeting, 2-7 August 2015, Singapore. |
Lin, C.- Y., and C.-
K. Yu, 2015: Effect of sea surface temperature on the
convective lines off the southeastern coast of Taiwan. AOGS 12th Annual
Meeting, 2-7 August 2015, Singapore. |
峽論壇 2015年兩岸民生氣象論壇,廈門,73-93。 |
Yu, C.- K., and L.- W. Cheng, 2015:
Orographic precipitation in the typhoon environment: recent findings
from radar observations. 2015 US-
Taiwan Extreme Precipitation and Weather Workshop, 29-30
May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu,
2015: Observational structures of a landfalling tropical cyclone
rainband as it passed over topography of northern Taiwan.
2015 US-Taiwan Extreme Precipitation and Weather Workshop,
29-30 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yu, C.- K.,
and L.- W. Cheng, 2015: Multiple mechanisms of orographic precipitation
associated with typhoons. Research and Perspective of
Extreme Weather and Climate Events and Climate Change,
15-16 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan. |
Tsai, C.- L., and C.-
K. Yu, 2014: Precipitation and airflow features of a
tropical cyclone rainband associated with topography modifications.
International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and
Tropical Cyclones, 15-18 September 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA. |
Yu, C.- K., and L.-
W. Cheng, 2014: Kinematic characteristics of the southwesterly flow
associated with southwest and ordinary typhoons.
AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, 28 July-1 August 2014, Sapporo,
Japan. |
Tsai, C.-L., and C.-
K. Yu, 2014: Structural changes of a tropical cyclone
rainband as it passed over topography of northern Taiwan. AOGS
11th Annual Meeting, 28 July-1 August 2014, Sapporo, Japan. |
Chen, Y. and C.- K. Yu,
2014: Are tropical cyclone rainbands similar to squall lines? AOGS 11th
Annual Meeting, 28 July-1 August 2014,
Sapporo, Japan. |
Hsieh, P.-R., and C.-
K. Yu, 2014: Characteristics of droplet fall speed under
different ambient conditions. AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, 28
July-1 August 2014, Sapporo, Japan. |
Lien, Y.-J., and C.-
K. Yu, 2014: Effect of air-sea interaction on the
convective lines along the southeastern coast of Taiwan. AOGS 11th
Annual Meeting, 28 July-1 August 2014, Sapporo, Japan. |
Lin, C.-Y., and C.- K.
Yu, 2014: Formation and maintenance of a long-lived
nearshore Taiwan rainband. AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, 28 July-1
August 2014, Sapporo, Japan. |
Yu, C.- K.,
and L.- W. Cheng, 2013: Mechanisms of orographic precipitation in the
typhoon environment. 1st Asian Conference
on Radar Meteorology, 6-9 November 2013, Jeju, Korea. |
Li, T.- H., C.- C. Wu, C.-
K. Yu, and S.- R. Lin, 2013: Influence of topography on
tropical cyclone track — Idealized simulations and dual-Doppler
radar analysis. 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical
Meteorology, 31 March-4 April 2014, San Diego, California . |
Yu, C.- K., and L.- W. Cheng, 2013:
Mechanisms of orographic precipitation in the typhoon environment. 1st
Asian Conference on Radar
Meteorology, 6-9 November 2013, Jeju, Korea.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.-
K. Yu, 2013: Intercomparison study to evaluate Micro Rain
Radar observations in the subtropical environment. 1st Asian
Conference on Radar Meteorology, 6-9 November 2013, Jeju,
Korea. |
Tsai, C.- L., and C.-
K. Yu, 2013: Dual-Doppler observations of structural
evolution of a tropical cyclone rainband as it encountered topography
of northern Taiwan. 1st Asian Conference on Radar
Meteorology, 6-9 November 2013, Jeju, Korea. |
Cheng, L.- W., and C.-
K. Yu, 2013: Dual-Doppler observations of southwesterly
flow associated with ordinary and southwesterly Typhoons.
1st Asian Conference on Radar Meteorology, 6-9 November
2013, Jeju, Korea. |
Lin, C.- Y., and C.-
K. Yu, 2013: Radar observations of the convective
activities off the mountainous coast of southeastern Taiwan during
blocked and unblocked flow regimes. 1st Asian Conference on
Radar Meteorology, 6-9 November 2013, Jeju, Korea. |
蔡嘉倫與游政谷,2013:利用雙都卜勒雷達分析颱風雨帶降雨及氣流結構之演變。 2013 年兩岸青年大氣科學學術研討會,
臺北,17。 |
Yue, J., Z. Meng, C.- K. Yu,
and L.- W. Cheng, 2013: Impact of radar data assimilation on the
simulation of Typhoon Morakot (2009)'s
rainband using the ensemble Kalman filter. 15th Conference
on Mesoscale Processes, 6-9 August 2013, Portland, Oregon.
游政谷與林哲佑, 2012 :
Yu, C.- K., and L.- W. Cheng, 2012:
Detailed aspects of orographic precipitation associated with Typhoon
Morakot (2009). International
Symposium on Heavy rainfall over East Asia: Observation and
modeling at cloud-resolving scales,6-7 September 2012,
Jeju, Korea.
Yu, C.- K.,
and C.- L. Tsai, 2012: Dual-Doppler and surface observations of
arc-shaped radar echoes along an outer tropical cyclone rainband.
AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, 13-17 August
2012,Sentosa, Singapore.
Chen, Y., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Surface fluctuations of tropical cyclone rainbands with strong cold
pool. AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint
13-17 August 2012, Sentosa, Singapore.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Structural changes of a tropical cyclone rainband observed by
dual-Doppler observations. AOGS – AGU
(WPGM) Joint Assembly, 13-17 August 2012, Sentosa,
Cheng, L.- W., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Orographic enhancement of precipitation associated with Typhoon Morakot
(2009). AOGS – AGU
Joint Assembly, 13-17 August 2012, Sentosa, Singapore.
Lin, C.- Y., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Formation and maintenance of a long-lived nearshore convective line off
the mountainous coast of southeastern
Taiwan. AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, 13-17 August 2012,
Sentosa, Singapore.
Hsieh, P.- R., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Observational characteristics of droplet fall speed. AOGS – AGU (WPGM)
Joint Assembly, 13-17 August
2012, Sentosa, Singapore.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Structural changes of a tropical cyclone rainband observed by
dual-Doppler observations. Asia-Pacific
Natural Hazard Conference – 2012, 27-29 June, Honolulu,
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Structural changes of a tropical cyclone rainband observed by
dual-Doppler observations. 2012 APEC
Typhoon Symposium, 5-6 June 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
Cheng, L.- W., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Orographic enhancement of precipitation associated with Typhoon Morakot
(2009). 2012 APEC
Typhoon Symposium, 5-6 June 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin, C.- Y., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Formation and maintenance of a long-lived nearshore convective line off
the mountainous coast of southeastern
Taiwan. 2012 APEC Typhoon Symposium, 5-6 June 2012, Taipei,
Hsieh, P.- R., and C.- K. Yu, 2012:
Observational characteristics of droplet fall speed . 2012 APEC Typhoon
Symposium, 5-6 June 2012,
Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang, J.- C., C.- K. Yu, J.- Y. Lee,
L.- W. Cheng, T.- Y. Lee, and S.- J. Kao, 2012: From Tropical Cyclone
Tracks to Flood lead-time
Predictions over a Mesoscale Mountainous Watershed. European
Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, 22-27 April 2012,
Vienna, Austria.
20 屆水利工程研討會,嘉義。
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2011:
Finescale surface features of the outer typhoon rainbands in Longwang
Yu, C.- K.,
and Y. Chen, 2011: A comprehensive investigation of surface
fluctuations associated with tropical cyclone rainbands. AOGS 8th
Annual Meeting, 8-12 August 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2011:
Finescale surface features of the outer typhoon rainbands in Longwang
(2005). AOGS 8th Annual Meeting,
8-12 August 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
Cheng, L.- W., and C.- K. Yu, 2011:
Orographic precipitation and upstream conditions associated with
Typhoon Morakot (2009). AOGS 8th
Annual Meeting, 8-12 August 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin, C.- Y., and C.- K. Yu, 2011:
Case study of a long-lived nearshore convective line off the
mountainous coast of southeastern Taiwan. AOGS
8th Annual Meeting, 8-12 August 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
Yu, C.- K., and Y. Chen, 2011: Surface
fluctuations associated with tropical cyclone rainbands. 14th
Conference on Mesoscale Processes,
1-4 August 2011, Los Angeles, California.
Yu, C.- K., and Y. Chen, 2011: Surface
fluctuations of typhoon rainbands. 2011 International Workshop on
Typhoon and Flood, 23-24 June
2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2011:
Surface pressure features of landing typhoon rainbands and their
possible causes. 2011 International
on Typhoon and Flood, 23-24 June 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
Cheng, L.- W., and C.- K. Yu, 2011:
Orographic precipitation and upstream conditions associated with
Typhoon Morakot (2009).
Workshop on Typhoon and Flood, 23-24 June 2011, Taipei,
Taiwan .
Lin, C.- Y., and C.- K. Yu, 2011:
Case study of a long-lived nearshore convective line off the
mountainous coast of southeastern Taiwan.
International Workshop on Typhoon and Flood, 23-24 June 2011, Taipei,
Hsieh, P.- R., C.- K. Yu, and S. E.
Yuter, 2011: Observational characteristics of droplet fall speed. 2011
International Workshop on Typhoon
and Flood, 23-24 June 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin, C.- Y., and C.- K. Yu, 2010:
Statistical characteristics of the convective lines off the mountainous
coast of southeastern Taiwan.
Third SoWMEX/TiMREX Science Workshop, 3-5 November 2010,
Taipei, Taiwan.
顏亦堅與游政谷,2010:夏季弱綜觀環境下台北盆地午後降水時間與空間之特徵分析。 2010 年中央氣象局天氣分析與預報
陳瀅與游政谷,2010:利用高解析度地面觀測及雷達資料研究颱風雨帶內部擾動及振幅特徵。 2010 年中央氣象局天氣分析與
Yu, C.- K., and L.- W. Cheng, 2010:
Some unique aspects of orographic precipitation associated with Typhoon
Morakot (2009). International
on Typhoon Morakot (2009), 25-26 March 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 53-54.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu , 2010:
Rainband Characteristics of Intense Landfalling Typhoons near Taiwan.
International Workshop on Typhoon
Morakot (2009), 25-26 March 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 32-33.
Yu, C.- K., L.- W. Cheng, and H.- K.
Wang, 2009: Orographic precipitation associated with typhoons. 海峽兩岸災害性天氣
Yu, C.- K., and Y.- J. Yan, 2009:
Characteristics of summertime afternoon precipitation in the Taipei
urban area during 1998-2007.
Conference on Urban Climate, 29 June- 3 July 2009, Yokohama,
Yu, C.- K., 2008: Intense orographic
precipitation associated with typhoons: Some detailed aspects learned
from radar observations.
Proceeding Abstract, The International Workshop on
Advanced Typhoon and Flood Research, 18-19 December 2008,
Taipei, Taiwan.
會,臺北,107-110。 |
報研討會,臺北,153-156。 |
預報研討會,臺北,147-152。 |
Yu, C.- K., L.- W. Cheng, and H.- K.
Wang, 2008: Radar observations of orographic precipitation in the
typhoon environment. AOGS 5th
Annual Meeting 2008, 16-20 June 2008, Busan, Korea.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2008:
Near-surface characteristics of precipitation, kinematic, and
thermodynamic associated with the rainbands of
typhoon near Taiwan. AOGS 5th Annual Meeting 2008, 16-20
June 2008, Busan, Korea.
Hsieh, Y.- H., and C.- K. Yu, 2008:
Case study of the offshore convective line along the mountainous coast
of southeastern Taiwan. AOGS 5th
Annual Meeting 2008, 16-20 June 2008, Busan, Korea.
Tsai, C.- L., and C.- K. Yu, 2007:
The Introduction of Micro Rain Radar (MRR). 4th SoWMEX/TiMREX Planning
Yu, C.- K., L.- W. Cheng, and H.- K.
Wang, 2007: Radar observations of orographic precipitation associated
with typhoons.
Proceeding Abstract, Conference on Mesoscale
Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia, 6-8 November 2007,
Taipei, Taiwan.
學研究生學術研討會,臺北,16。 |
Yu, C.- K., and C.- Y. Lin, 2007:
Long-term radar observations of the convective lines off the
mountainous coast of southeastern
Taiwan. 33rd International Conference on Radar Meteorology,
6-10 Auguest 2007, Cairns, Australia.
蔡嘉倫與游政谷,2007 :利用微波降雨雷達分析颱風雨帶近地面之觀測特徵。2007年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,
討會,臺北,3-64。 |
氣象近期發展研討會,臺北,33-38。 |
Yu, C.- K., and L.- W. Cheng, 2006:
Radar observations of intense orographic precipitation associated with
typhoon Xangsane (2000).
12th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, 28 August-1
September 2006,
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
蔡嘉倫,2006:微波降雨雷達觀測之初步分析。氣象與航空安全研討會,臺北, 73
-76。 |
,臺北,544-547。 |
Yu, C.- K., and L.-W. Cheng, 2005:
Radar observations of orographically enhanced precipitation embedded
within typhoons. Proceedings,
2nd AOGS Annual Meeting 2005, June 20-24 2005, Singapore.
Jou, B. J.- D., and C.- K. Yu, 2005:
Radar observations of landfalling typhoons and mesoscale convective
systems over the Taiwan area.
Proceedings, International Training Program for
Typhoon and Flood Disasters Reduction, Taipei, 4-1~4-26.
Yu, C.- K.,
2004: Upstream influences of orographic blocking on precipitation
associated with landfalling fronts: An overview and perspective.
Preprints, 8th Atmospheric Sciences Conference,
Taoyuan, 247-250.
Yu, C.- K., D. P. Jorgensen, and F.
Roux, 2003: Airborne Doppler observations of a cold frontal system
encountering the eastern
Alps during MAP IOP5. Proceedings, 31th
International Conference on Radar Meteorology, Seattle, Washington,
6-12 August 2003.
Yu, C.- K., and B. J.- D. Jou, 2002:
Characteristics and formative mechanism of the offshore convective
lines along the
southeastern coast of Taiwan. Proceedings,
International Conference on Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia,
Tokyo, Japan, 491-496.
Yu, C.- K., 2001: Airborne Doppler
observations of a strongly retarded cold front upstream of coastal
orography. Preprints,
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