課程名稱:中尺度氣象學 Mesoscale Meteorology
As revealed by advances in observing technology such as Doppler radar remote sensing and in numerical modeling, it has been recognized that most of hazardous weather occurring in the real atmosphere are typically organized on an intermediate (viz. meso) scale. Particularly, because of the inherent complex of mesoscale phenomena, theoretical principal of the synoptic meteorology usually cannot be applied to explain dynamical processes associated with these severe weather events. The main objective of this course is to introduce various mesoscale phenomena occurring in the atmosphere, with special emphasis on their internal structure and associated dynamics. In this course, current understanding of mesoscale processes will be the major theme but it will be also complemented by including some new findings from the latest results of mesoscale research.
課程內容將針對下列主題作有系統的闡釋 :
1. 中尺度的基本概念
2. 氣象都卜勒雷達觀測原理
3. 大氣對流觀念與擾動氣壓診斷
4. 中緯度及熱帶中尺度對流系統
5. 劇烈風暴
6. 地形降水
The course outline will primarily include :
(1) Fundamental Concepts of Mesoscale
(2) Fundamental Principle of Radar Observations
(3) Concept of Atmospheric Convection and Perturbation Pressure Diagnosis
(4) Midlatitude and Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems
(5) Severe Storms
(6) Orographic Precipitation
(reference book)
(1) Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting. P. S. Ray, 1986.
(2) Radar in Meteorology. D. Atlas and L. J. Battan, 1990.
(3) A Short Course in Cloud Physics, Third Edition. R. R. Rogers and M. K. Yau, 1989.
(4) Severe Convective Storm. Carles A. Doswell, 2001.
(5) Storm and Cloud Dynamics. W. R. Cotton and R. A. Anthes, 1989.
(6) Cloud Dynamics. R. A. Houze, Jr, 2014.
(7) Radar Observations of the Atmosphere. Louis J. Battan, 1981.
(8) Mesoscale Meteorology in Midlatitudes. Paul Markowski and Y. Richardson, 2010